Jane Eyre har en traurig bakgrunn. Hun blir sendt bort fra famillien sin som liten til å gå på en streng, pietistisk kostskole. Som ung voksen søker hun post som guvernante. Dette fører henne til Thornfield Hall hvor Mr. Rochester er "the master" - herre i huset. Nå starter livet for Jane. Hun opplever for første gang at hun er ønsket.
"There is a bird, it has a quite undescriptive grey colour and it has the custome not moving around too quickly not to draw attention to itself in fear of being beaten. It wishes it could be in a cage. But sooner or later, slowly, day by day its wings grow very strong. And if you look very closely you would see brilliant scarlet feathers hidden under its wings. Until one day it has grown so confident that it flaps its red wings and flies straight up to the sky. And those lucky enough to catch its flight, thought that they have caught a glimpse of a firebird. And then it flies away somewhere warm and never comes back. It`s one here at Thornfield in the gardens if you look very hard...."
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